The confession. I sat upon my digital camera about three weeks ago. Cory and I were camping, hanging out by the fire, chilling in the camp chairs. I got up to grab some marshmallows and chocolate for S’Mores and left the camera on the seat of the camp chair. When I came back, I sat right on top of it. I ended up bending the lens housing. It is bent only slightly but it is enough that the lens housing doesn’t extend. Ugh. I felt (and still) feel right stupid. For the rest of the weekend, we took pictures with a disposable camera (they are on a CD and someday I will post about that trip).

When I got back to PDX, I went to a local camera shop and they said that it would be close to $125 dollars to repair it.

My parents gave me a raincheck for my birthday present and I went through several “wants” before settling on a camera: the Nikon D40. After a phone call to my mom and a slight guilt trip , she agreed to let me order the camera for my birthday present. (Actually, I just said that I would really like a new camera before going on vacation at the end of this month. I love you, Mom!)

I have decided that I would like to try and have some fun with digital photography. This is partially what drew me to blogging in the first place. Getting a sneak peak into other peoples lives through the photographs that they share. Since, the camera was broken, it just wasn’t as much fun to come up with blog entries that were text only. I tried taking pictures with film, getting it developed, and having the pictures put on a CD. There was just too much time between event, photos, and blogging. I ended up loosing a lot of steam. (Digital photography = instant gratification.)

GOOD NEWS! I ordered the camera on Tuesday night around 9 pm. Well, as of 9:37pm EST my camera has been shipped out of New Jersey! The tracking info says that the box is 5 pounds and is scheduled to arrive in PDX on June 11th before 7pm. Yippee! I’ll be a beginning amateur photographer on Monday night.

Good Night, all. I just wanted to share my good news!


P.S. The title references that once I get a digital camera again. I will post more often. *crosses fingers* Hopefully. The photo in this entry is one of the very first ones that I ever took with my old camera.