Any ideas on how he lost that one pound?

Anyone? Anyone?

We joined Weight Watchers last week, in order to do something about our weight. For the past week, we have both been counting our points and journaling daily. Tonight, was our second meeting. I stepped on the scale and found out that I had lost 2.4 pounds. Cory stepped on the scale. The woman who was checking him was writing down all his info (at that point, he had lost 2.8 pounds). “Wait,” he exclaimed, “Last week I wasn’t weighed with my keys, phone, and wallet.” As he was removing the large amount of personal effects from his pocket, she commented that sometimes it makes a difference. As she looked at the scale, she did a double take. The difference was a whole pound.

The moral of the story is that if Cory is talking to you about how he isn’t loosing enough weight, please remind him to empty his pockets before he steps on the scale.